
deal in是什么意思翻译_deal in的音标怎么读

deal in

经营, 买卖


The manufacturers complained that they got a rough deal in the new contract with the city.


My bank deals in stocks and shares now.


I have accomplished a great deal in the last few months.


We deal in hardware but not software.



动词过去式: dealt | 动词过去分词: dealt | 动词现在分词: dealing | 动词第三人称单数: deals |

deal in

经营, 买卖


The manufacturers complained that they got a rough deal in the new contract with the city.


My bank deals in stocks and shares now.


I have accomplished a great deal in the last few months.


We deal in hardware but not software.



动词过去式: dealt | 动词过去分词: dealt | 动词现在分词: dealing | 动词第三人称单数: deals |

deal in


动词过去式: dealt | 动词过去分词: dealt | 动词现在分词: dealing | 动词第三人称单数: deals |


indifferent | unmoved | heedless | hearing-impaired | tone-deaf | unresponsive | oblivious | unaffected | unconcerned | unwavering | unmindful | unswerving | inattentive | stone-deaf | regardless | abstracted | hard of hearing | refusing | to | listen | hearing | hard | of | deafen |


hearing |

deal indeal in
1.翻译:买卖, 经营That shop deals in men's clothing.那家商店经营男士服装。The shares of that company have not been dealt in for some time.那家公司的股票有好些日子没有经营了。

deal in
1.翻译:经营,做…生意;交易:The company deals in both hardware and software.这家公司既经营硬件,又经营软件。to deal in cutlery (或furs)经营刃具制造业(或皮货)
2.翻译:论述,讨论;涉及,谈及,谈到:The spokesman dealt in generalities.该发言人只是泛泛而谈。
3.翻译:[常作deal someone in]【牌戏】给(新手)发牌,发牌(给某人)使参加牌戏,发牌时把某人包括在内:You may join the game, shall I deal you in?你可以参加玩牌,凑一个怎么样?
4.翻译:[常作deal someone in][美国俚语]把某人算在内,让某人一起参加:They were making a lot of dough in the computer business so I got them to deal me in.看到他们在电脑行业里大把捞钱,我让他们把我算在内和他们一起干。
5.翻译:[贬义]肆意从事,沉溺于:to deal in gossip and slander专干搬弄是非和造谣中伤的勾当

见:deal: deal in

deal in

名词 deal:

a particular instance of buying or selling

同义词:trade, business deal

an agreement between parties (usually arrived at after discussion) fixing obligations of each


(often followed by `of') a large number or amount or extent

同义词:batch, flock, good deal, great deal, hatful, heap, lot, mass, mess, mickle, mint, muckle, peck, pile, plenty, pot, quite a little, raft, sight, slew, spate, stack, tidy sum, wad, whole lot, whole slew

a plank of softwood (fir or pine board)

wood that is easy to saw (from conifers such as pine or fir)


the cards held in a card game by a given player at any given time


the type of treatment received (especially as the result of an agreement)

the act of distributing playing cards

the act of apportioning or distributing something

动词 deal:

deal with verbally or in some form of artistic expression

同义词:cover, treat, handle, plow, address

take action with respect to (someone or something)

take into consideration for exemplifying purposes

同义词:consider, take, look at

come to terms or deal successfully with

同义词:cope, get by, make out, make do, contend, grapple, manage

administer or bestow, as in small portions

同义词:distribute, administer, mete out, parcel out, lot, dispense, shell out, deal out, dish out, allot, dole out

do business; offer for sale as for one's livelihood

同义词:sell, trade

be in charge of, act on, or dispose of

同义词:manage, care, handle

behave in a certain way towards others

distribute to the players in a game

direct the course of; manage or control

同义词:conduct, carry on

give out as one's portion or share

同义词:share, divvy up, portion out, apportion

give (a specific card) to a player
